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Sat 22 June 2013
Competition: Stroke (Club Champs Round 1)
No of Players: 25
Conditions: Windy

It was 1st round of the Club Championships and 25 players fronted to brave the winds and possible rains.
Best gross score of the day was by Chris Girling with a 75 followed by Yogi (every shot down the middle) Frencken with 78. Yogi had a fine day winning A Grade with net 61, taking the Monthly Medal, and winning the putting comp with 22.
Adam Bail came 2nd with 68 from Andrew Baker's 70. B Grade winner was Smiffy with a net 68 from James Weir 69 and Steven Kelly 71. Smiffy was reminded by Chris Barker that he was only 24 strokes behind after his 110/88 and to watch out for his fast finish over the next 3 rounds.
Bobby Hogg had presented the course in wonderful condition and this was much appreciated by all players.
Don't forget that all Two Wells scores can be seen on the website: http://www.twowellsgolfclub.com.au/

Today's Results

A Grade: Y.Frencken 61, A.Bail 68, A.Baker, C.Girling 70, R.Hogg, G.Payne 71, L.Grafton 72,
J.Ball, J.Bowden 73, S.Grigg 74, R.Grigg 78.
B Grade: I.Smith 68, J.Weir 69, S.Kelly 71, I.Clark 74, P.Shields 75, J.Spackman 76, T.Clifton 77,
J.Boon, H.Linford 78, R.Prior 82, C.Barker 88.
Ladies: J.Holland 77, E.Grigg 90.
Meat Trays: P.Shields, A.Baker, J.Weir.

NEXT WEEK: Stroke: Round 2 of Club Championships

Russell Grigg

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