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Sat 05 April 2014
Competition: Stableford
Sponsor: Adelaide Plains Recycling
No of Players: 24
Conditions: Fine and hard conditions.

Club President Michael Dimasi opened proceedings for the start of Season 2014 at Two Wells. The course was quite dry and hard, but with a reasonable covering of grass for this time of year. 24 players fronted which included Peter Lamont making a return visit to Royal and Ancient Two Wells, plus 2 visitors from the Barossa accompanying Les Grafton. Working Bees were very well attended by 22 Club members and that assistance was much appreciated. Hoggy and the volunteers had done a lot of work to get the course up to condition for play. It will be fantastic if we get the forecast rain for the next week.
Paul Shields talked the talk (on facebook) and then walked the walk to win A Grade with a very nice 42 points from John Ball 36 and Yogi Frencken 35. Jeff Spackman won B Grade with a solid 40 points, James Weir next with 35 and Michael Dimasi third with 34 after having only 10 after the first 9 holes. Must have taken a while for the fruit and veg to kick in.
Kathy Stubing, with her 38 points, won the Ladies and along with the 2 Mens winners were the only players to play to their par or better. Two Wells Course 1 Players 0.

Today's Results

A Grade: 42 P.Shields, 36 J.Ball, 35 Y.Frencken, R.Hogg, 34 R.Grigg, S.Grigg, 33 A.Baker, 30 L.Grafton, 27 A.Bail, 24 M.Davies, S.Watson
B Grade: 40 J.Spackman, 35 J.Weir, 34, M.Dimasi, C.Barker, G.Payne, N.Bowden, 32 H.Linford, 30 D.Smith, 28 R.Thorning.
Ladies: 38 K.Stubing, 32 J.Holland, 25 E.Grigg.

Long Drives:
A: Les Grafton B:.Michael Dimasi Ladies: Julie Holland
NTP's :) 1) J.Spackman, 2) -, 6) K.Stubing, 11) R. Hogg, 12) L.Grafton, 15) -
Birdies: 1) J.Spackman, 10) C.Barker, N.Bowden.
NAGA: Michael Davies
Meat Trays: Jeff Spackman, Julie Holland
NEXT WEEK: Par (Captains trophy) - normal 11:00am tee-off

Russell Grigg

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