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Sat 12 April 2014
Competition: par
No of Players: 21
Conditions: Fine and hard conditions.

Everyone's favourite game today - Par. What a topsy turvy day. Last week Michael Davies won the NAGA, this week he blitzed the field, and the course, with a magnificent +10 to easily take out A Grade. Last week Paul Shields won A grade by a street, today he won the NAGA with a -5. It proves you're only as good as your next game.
Robert Hogg played a beautiful 77 off the stick including 4 birdies, +4, to come second in A Grade from Ian Smith with +3.
Jeff Spackman continued his winning ways with + 3 to take out B Grade again from Ian Telfer + 2 and Chris Barker +1.
The most important prizes, the meat trays from Virginia Meats (thanks Ray Prior) were popular wins to Russell Grigg and Hans Linford, making up in some way for their very ordinary - 4's on the golf course.
It was a big welcome today to Jake Bowden's better half, Gemma Connors who made her debut on the golf course in an official round. She didn't hit the ball as well as she can and has in practice, I think nerves got to her, but she will get better.

Today's Results

A Grade: M.Davies +10, R.Hogg +4, I.Smith +3, J.Bowden +2, A,Baker +2, C.Girling +1, Y.Frencken +1, S.Grigg -1, R.Grigg -4, P.Shields -5.
B Grade: J.Spackman +3, I.Telfer +2, C.Barker +1, G.Payne +1, H.Linford -4, J.Weir -4.
Ladies: K.Stubing -2, E.Grigg -4.

Long Drives:
A: Stuart Grigg B:.Gary Payne Ladies: Kathy Stubing
NTP's :) 1) M.Davies, 2) M.Davies, 6) M.Hart, 11) S.Grigg, 12) R.Grigg,
15) Y.Frencken.
Birdies: 2) -, 11) S.Grigg.
NAGA: Paul Shields
Meat Trays: Russell Grigg, Hans Linford
NEXT WEEK: Stableford

Russell Grigg

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