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Sat 26 April 2014
Competition: Stroke/Monthly Medal/Putting/Eclectic
No of Players: 23
Conditions: Fine and hard conditions (still) - where is the rain ?

A good field of 23 players including the popemobile again with Darryl Hall, Greg Giannikos and Doug Burford who covered more ground than Burke and Wills and took about as long to find the Clubrooms.
Player of the day was Gary Payne who shot a fine 84/65 to win B Grade, the Monthly Medal, long drive (and was it long) and NTP on the 12th. Second place in B grade and only 8 strokes behind was Jim Weir 95/73. Andrew Baker also had a nice day to take out A Grade with 81/68 as well as NTP's on holes 1 & 11, from Russell Grigg with 84/70.
Blue Bowden provided a highlight with a chip in on the 10th for an eagle 3. Son Jake won A Grade long drive as well as the NAGA - chocolates to boiled lollies in 1 day, or ,in this case, 2 balls as prizes for his efforts.
At the same time as receiving his NAGA award he was presented with his certificate for his hole in 1 at the 12th last season. Gemma Connors now has her handicap and is ready to burn up the course next week.
Putting competition was also available today, and no surprises there, with Paul Shields the winner as he has been many times over the years. And would the person who hit Les Grafton's ball on the 16th please own up, as Bobby Hogg and Yogi had to duck for cover as Les folded and called it a day.

Today's Results

A Grade: A.Baker 68, R.Grigg 70, R.Hogg 70, P.Shields 71, I.Clark 75, I.Smith 79, Y.Frencken 82, J.Bowden 85.
B Grade: G.Payne 65, J.Weir 73, D.Smith 75, C.Barker 75, H.Linford 76, J. Spackman 76, N.Bowden 77, D.Burford 79, M.Hart 85.
Ladies: E.Grigg 68, K.Stubing 72.
Long Drives: A: Jake Bowden B:.Gary Payne Ladies: Kathy Stubing
NTP's :) 1) A.Baker 2) I.Clark 6) J.Spackman 11)A.Baker 12) G.Payne
15) J.Spackman.
Putting: Paul Shields 24
NAGA: Jake Bowden
Meat Trays: Darryl Hall, Ian Clark
NEXT WEEK: Stableford (Presidents Trophy 1)

Russell Grigg

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