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Adelaide Plains


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Sat 20 July 2013
Competition: Stroke (4th round of Club Championships)
No of Players: 24
Conditions: Fine, wet, fine.

Last round of the Club Championships and the same scenario faced the 24 players as the week before.
The conditions could have been awful but it turned out okay with most players getting in dry and only the last few groups getting rained on for a while. In the days comp, Russell Grigg turned in a blinder (at last) to narrowly win
A grade with 68 from Chris Girling also with 68. Russell also won the putting comp with 22 putts which included 8 x 1 putts on the last nine holes.
B Grade saw Paul Shields win the day with 72 from those 2 canny Scotsmen Ian Smith (73) and Ian Clark (75).
The Club Championship winner (and A Grade Champ) was Chris Girling (302) with Stuart Grigg (328) runner-up.
B Grade Club Champ was Paul Shields (366) from Jim Weir (385). Yogi Frencken won the veterans trophy and Adam Bail
won the putting comp (97 putts).
Highlight of the day was Gary Paynes' group finishing an hour and a half behind Bobby Hoggs' group after complaining
at the 1st about having to play behind "super snail" Hoggy. Hoggy was last seen asking whether a 2 stroke penalty
has been imposed on that group for slow play.

Don't forget that all Two Wells scores can be seen on the website: http://www.twowellsgolfclub.com.au/

Today's Results

A Grade: R.Grigg, C.Girling 68, G.Payne 71, G.Giannikos 72, R.Hogg 73, L.Grafton 75, J.Bowden, S.Grigg 76,
Y.Frencken 78, A.Baker 81, A.Bail 82.
B Grade: P.Shields 72, I.Smith 73, I.Clark 75, J.Ball, S.Kelly 76, J.Boon 80, D.Hall 81, J.Weir 82, H.Linford, D.Smith 87.
Ladies: J.Holland 84, E.Grigg 92.
Meat Trays: H.Linford, J.Weir, Shorty Paul.
Final Results Club Champs:
A Grade Champs: C.Girling 302, S.Grigg 328, L.Grafton 333, Y.Frencken 342.
B Grade Champs: P.Shields 366, J.Weir 385, S.Kelly 400, H.Linford 408..
A Grade Nett: Y.Frencken, C.Girling 277, R.Hogg 283, L.Grafton 285.
B Grade Nett: J.Weir 293, P.Shields 295, S.Kelly 305, J.Boon 308.
Putting: A.Bail 97, S.Grigg, A.Baker 100.
Veterans: Y.Frencken 199, L.Grafton, R.Hogg 210, I.Smith 217.

NEXT WEEK: 2 Man Ambrose on Saturday, and Two Wells Mens Open on Sunday 28th July.

Russell Grigg

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