
Sponsor of the Week

Adelaide Plains


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Sat 11 April 2015
Competition: Stableford
Sponsor: Adelaide Plains Recycling
No of Players: 21
Conditions: Fine and hard conditions.

Club Secretary Adam Bail opened proceedings for the start of Season 2015 at Two Wells.
The course was quite dry and hard, but the 32 ml of rain last week promised the showing of grass very soon.
Follow up rain would be very welcome. There has been a lot of work scarifying and seeding in hard to grow areas
and hopefully we will soon see the fruit of our labours.
The course was in as good condition as could be allowing for the very dry summer.
As Adam mentioned at the presentation, 1 player was out there playing golf, the rest of the players just had a good walk.
Russell Grigg dominated the day with a fine 46 points (73 off the stick) to walk in A Grade by 2 streets and a cul-de-sac.
Andrew Baker came 2nd with 34 from Hoggie's 33. B Grade was won by Chris Barker with 36 points from Ian Smith and Ian Clark's 35 points.
It was interesting to note that the Mens A and B winners also won a meat tray each.
The Ladies was a close tussle with Julie Holland 36, Kathy Stubing 36 and Elaine Grigg 35.
Today's Results

A Grade: 46 R.Grigg, 34 A.Baker, 33 R.Hogg, 33 A.Bail, 31 S.Grigg, 29 G.payne, 28 L.Grafton, 23 J.Bowden 24.
B Grade: 36 C.Barker, 35 I.Smith, 35 I.Clark, 31 H.Linford, 27 J.Spackman, 26 J.Weir, 25 M.Hart, 24 D.Burford, 20 D.Smith.
Ladies: 36 J.Holland, 36 K.Stubing, 35 E.Grigg, 18 G.Bowden.

Long Drives:
A: Robert Hogg B:.Ian Smith Ladies: Kathy Stubing
NTP's (1) R.Grigg, (2) -, (6) D.Burford, (11) R. Grigg, (12) -, (15) S. Grigg.
NAGA: Gemma Bowden
Meat Trays: Russell Grigg, Chris Barker
NEXT WEEK: Stroke - Monthly Medal (normal 11:00am tee off)

Russell Grigg

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