
Sponsor of the Week

Adelaide Plains

Date: 30 Jul 16

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Competition: Hamley Bridge Challenge (at TWGC)

Sponsor: Coopers Brewery

Two Wells Captain Paul Shields welcomed the Hamley team for the rematch of the interclub Two Wells/Hamley Bridge challenge.
The weather overcast and the prospect of rain in the late afternoon along with the strong winds tested all the players.
The players managed to get away early and the last groups holding back for any late arrival also managed good time overall.
As always the game was played in good spirit and the local scores showed that they weren't ready to surrender the trophy for 2016.
I think the course proved difficult for many on both teams along with the winds which tested the length off the tee's.
Robert Thompson was the best of the locals with 39 pts and Hans Linford close behind with 38 pts.
Robert Hogg, Ray Prior and Gary Payne also worthy of a mention with 37 pts.
Tim Clifton back after a long break played well despite some errant shots to card 36 pts.
Barry Zerna the best for Hamey Bridge with 29 Pts and Colin Doudle close behind on 28 Pts.
The results of the challenge saw Two Wells retain the Trophy with a combined average of 31.5
and Hamley Bridge with a combined average of 22.5.

Thank you to all the members from both clubs who supported the day it was as always a good day with the BBQ dinner after appreciated by all.
Thank you to the TWGC team for their efforts in cleaning up the course preparing the BBQ and providing the salad and sweets.

The Two Wells players will travel to Hamley Bridge for next year's 2017 defence again around May 17.

Two Wells Players

A Grade: R. Thompson 39, R. Hogg 67, P. Shields 33, A. Baker 31, J. Ball 31, Y. Frencken 25 Pts.

B Grade: H. Linford 38, R. Prior 37, G. Payne 37, T. Clifton 36, A. Bail 36, I. Gameau 35, J. Spackman 35,
C. Barker 34, J. Mills 29, J. Weir 27 and M. Dimasi 26 Pts.

Ladies: K. Stubing 29 Pts.

Hamley Bridge Players

B. Zerna 29, C. Doudle 28, W. White 26, R. Cameron 26, R. Pawlak 25, R. Hinderwell 23, G. Dahlitz 23,
B. Swartz 23, D. Cooper 22 and J. Mitchell 20 Pts.

Date: 30 Jul 16

Competition: Hamley Bridge Challenge at Two Wells

Meat Trays: C. Barker x 2
No. of players: 29
Conditions: Overcast and Windy

A Grade:
(1): R. Thompson 39
(2) R. Hogg 37
(3) P.Shields 33

B Grade:
(1) H. Linford 38
(2) R. Prior 37
(3) G.Payne 37

Ladies :
(1) K. Stubing 29

Long Drives:
A): R. Hogg
B): R.Prior
Ladies: K. Stubing

(1): R. Hogg
(2): H. Linford
(6): R. Hogg
(11): G. Payne

Pro's Approach: J. Weir

N.A.G.A. John Mitchell H/B

Next Week:
Par Captains Trophy

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