
Sponsor of the Week

Adelaide Plains

Date: 22 APR 17

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Competition: Stroke - Putting- Monthly Medal
No. of players: 17 men & 1 Lady
Sponsor: Two Wells Tavern
Conditions: Warm, hard under foot
A Grade: (1) B.Betro 65
(2) G. Payne 68
(3) J. Ball 75

B Grade: (1) I. Gameau 67 c/b
(2) D. Burford 67
(3) J. Weir 69 c/b S. Kelly 69
Ladies : (1) G. Bowden 107
Putting Comp: D.Burford 23 putts
Monthly Medal: B. Betro 65

Meat Trays: (1) J. Weir
Meat Trays (2): J.Weir/S. Kelly
Long Drives: A): B. Betro
B): I. Gameau
Ladies: G. Bowden
NTP's: (1): J. Ball
(2): R. Hogg
(6): D. Burford

NTP's: (11): R. Hogg
(12): -
(15): P. Shields

N.A.G.A. D. Thompson
With the first Stroke round for this season 18 players fronted to take on the challenge. The rain hopefully will kick start the fairways with a good coverage just waiting for the rain and sun to work there natural magic. The weather on the day was surprising warm and light winds throughout the day until later in the afternoon when the south easterlies sprung up.
A Grade was dominated on the day by newcomer Brett Betro who shot 3 birdies during the round to card a very respective round of 83/65 off the stick. Brett hit the ball well most of the day and like many found obstacles on the 9th and 16th. He was also solid with his 25 putts which means he is adapting to the sand scrapes. Gary Payne also played well to finish 2nd with 88/68 off the stick. John Ball finishing 3rd with 94/75 just in front of playing partner Bobby Hogg. The Monthly Medal won by Brett Betro.
B Grade was a close affair with count backs galore. Ian Gameau 89/67 holding off playing partner Doug Burford 96/67 to take out B Grade. J. Weir with 91/69 holding off good mate and playing partner Steve Kelly 91/69 on a count back for 3rd.
Again comments by members and watching some putting during the round proved that the club has moved forward to make the scrapes consistent. With some topping up of some holes and oiling them they will be very good in weeks to come. I saw several balls pitch in and hold which was promising for everyone. Gary and John again busy replacing the new cups on most of the scrapes. Putting comp today won by Doug Burford with 23.
Several photos have been placed on Facebook each week of the members I play with to capture the moments and provide history for the club. Bobby Hogg was seen to be laying up on the 16th with his tee shot allegedly hitting a tree and coming back towards the tee block. His playing partners commented it was a layup chip shot and not a hit tree to allow him to attack the fairway over the hill which he smashed like the A Grade player he is.
A Grade: B. Betro 65, G. Payne 67, J. Ball 75, R. Hogg 76P. Shields 77 and A. Bail net 84.
B Grade: I. Gameau 67, D. Burford 67, J. Weir 69, S. Kelly 69, H. Linford 72J. Spackman 73, N. Bowden 76, I. Smith 80, I. Clark 84, , D. Thompson 82 and D. Smith nett 91.
2017 Match Play draw;
A. Bail bye 1st rd, J. Spackman v A. Christou, J. Weir v D. Smith, I. Clark bye 1st rd, P. Shields v G. Payne, R. Prior bye 1st rd, C. Barker bye 1st rd, I. Smith bye 1st rd, J. Mills bye 1st rd, S. Kelly v H. Linford, B. Betro bye 1st rd.
A reminder to all members that subs are due next week.

Paul Shields (Captain TWGC)

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